

法國人饒家駒(Robert Charles Emile Jacquinot de Besange1878-1946)是中國人民患難之交的國際友人,抗日戰争期間在上海、漢口等地設立安全區,救援中國難民數十萬人,貢獻卓著;二戰後他又赴德國救濟難民,堪稱一位偉大的國際人道主義者及法德和解的先行者。由他所首創的安全區模式,直接促成了戰後修訂《日内瓦公約》并加入戰時平民保護的相關條款,其影響深遠至今而知者寥寥。









Our School will Host the Sino-French Friendship Year Project

The International Conference

 on Robert Jacquinot de Besange & Civilian Conservation in Warfare


The Frenchman, Jacquinot(Robert Charles Emile Jacquinot de Besange, 1878-1946) was Chinese people's international friend, the companion in adversity. During the war of resistance against Japan, he set up safety zones in Shanghai, Hankou and other places and rescued hundreds of thousands of Chinese refugees, which were his outstanding contributions. After World War II, he went to Germany to provide relief for refugees, for that he was called a great international humanitarian and the pioneer of Franco-German reconciliation. The safety zone he created as a model directly contributed to the revision of the Geneva Convention after the war and urged the protections for civilians during wartime to be added to the relevant clauses. Its effect was profound, but today few people know.


This year 2014 is the 50th anniversary of the establishment of the diplomatic relations between China and France, i.e. the Sino-French Friendship Year. This international conference has been approved by the Ministry of Culture and officially classified as one of the Sino-French Friendship Year Project.


Our school combined with the Shanghai Historical Association is going to hold the International Conference on Robert Jacquinot de Besange & Civilian Conservation in Warfare on November 8-9, 2014(Saturday, Sunday) in the Western Conference Center. The support unit is Chinese People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries; the co-organizer is the John Rabe Communication Center in Heidelberg, Germany. The conference is organized by the Humanities and Communications College of our school. 60 scholars from France, Germany, Holland, USA and China were expected to attend the conference.


Contact Person:

Xue Liyu, Tel: +86-138-1652-8689, Email: xueliyu@shnu.edu.cn

Zhao Wenwen, Tel: +86-188-1823-7568, Email: 18818237568@163.com
